Regulatory bodies

FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority)
FINMA is Switzerland’s independent financial-markets regulator. Its mandate is to supervise banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, collective investment schemes, and their asset managers and fund management companies. It also regulates insurance intermediaries. It is charged with protecting creditors, investors and policyholders. FINMA is responsible for ensuring that Switzerland’s financial markets function effectively.
SAAM (Swiss Association of Asset Managers)
Set up in 1986, the Swiss Association of Asset Managers aims to enhance the industry’s reputation and foster growth and recognition of the profession of independent asset managers. The functions of the association lie in self-regulation and investor protection. Key to this is the provision of training and guidance to members when it comes to regulation, technology and other areas of interest.
OSIF (Supervisory Body for Financial Institutes)
OSIF is a supervisory body that monitors the compliance of reporting institutions with financial market laws (in particular with the FINMA, the FinSA and the AMLA).
OFS (Ombud Finance Switzerland)
OFS is a Swiss Foundation dedicated to provide dispute resolution services upon request from clients of financial service providers or upon request from financial services providers.
Opal Investment Services is licensed by FINMA, Switzerland’s independent financial markets regulator, and is affiliated with the key industry bodies to guarantee it’s clients the highest level of risk management and audited internal processes.